It's probably...
Personal, a comeback, and not random, just not as organized flash vids are usually. It's a great vid and it does seem to have a deeper meaning. I think it's just subtle emo-ness but it's expressed really well. What the actual meaning is... I think I'm going to take a shot at it(assuming there is one). Okay you're sad and forced to become this sociopathic creature from a lack of proper influences and so normal morality never becomes internalized and even though you've grown up and you may give off this cold front, you're still a child with needs that have never been met. that's clear enough. What's not entirely clear is the killing yourself part. It's obviously mental suicide. whether its your spirit being broken or your emotions being broken is unclear. either way, they died because the world around you hasn't treated you humanely for the longest time and you're saying you gave up...but I don't think that's true. i think this flash is just the result of a breakdown and that's why it's so great. this came from the heart and i don't think you're dead quite yet but i could be wrong. my god...this would be so embarrassing if i'm wrong about the meaning. Oh well though, I'm glad i took the time to type this. This flash deserves a 5 and a 10.